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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/dzixar on 2023-11-06 17:43:01.

So, we have hired this guy to renovate our bathroom, and he has been coming to our apartment every day for more than a week. He doesn’t speak our language very well, but we manage to communicate somehow. He seems to be a nice and hardworking person, and we always offer him some coffee when he arrives.

Today, when he came to our apartment, he handed me a bag from a bakery without saying anything. I thought that it was his breakfast or something, so I just put it on the table and didn’t look inside. I didn’t think much of it, and I went on with my day.

Later, when my wife came back home, she told me that there were three croissants in the bag - as if they were supposed to be for me, my wife, and the worker. She said that the worker probably bought them as a gesture of gratitude or friendship, and that he expected us to share them with him and have a nice chat. She also said that the worker looked disappointed and confused when he saw that the bag was untouched, and that he didn’t even say goodbye when he finished his work.

I felt so bad and embarrassed. I had no idea that he was trying to be nice and friendly, and I completely ignored his gift. I probably offended him and made him think that we don’t appreciate his work or his presence. I wish I had looked inside the bag and thanked him for the croissants. I hope he doesn’t hate us now, and that we can somehow make it up to him.

TL;DR: I received a bag of croissants from my bathroom renovator, but I thought it was his breakfast and I didn’t touch it. He probably wanted to share them with us and have a friendly conversation, but I unintentionally snubbed him and hurt his feelings.