Regardless of what your beliefs are, our society is a Judeo-Christian society and we have a moral compass. Not everybody does, and there are those that are willing to go for the ends regardless of what means have to be employed

    1 year ago

    I don’t think so. I think this stems from the stupid, misguided notion that morality comes from religion, so Judeo-Christian nations are inherently more moral than the heathens.

    I’ve heard Shapiro spew this same BS. That somehow the moral code passed down through Judaism is inherently better and purer and that Western civilization was elevated by it.

    Nevermind that it’s this exact brand of exceptionalism that has led to colonialism, forced conversions, genocide, and slavery. Let’s do the same thing to AI!

    • Hot
      1 year ago

      Western civilization was elevated by it.

      It’s interesting that when Western civilization was being elevated during the Enlightenment that the Christians ran away to another continent to escape what they called “persecution” but was more really the same as we experience today. A bunch of selfish unhappy asswipes who want to make everyone as boring and unhappy as they are by banning things like dancing, and when people don’t like being forced to live like they do, they’re “persecuted.”

      Most of the things that elevated Western society were based in philosophy, math and science, not religion. Interesting how that works out.

      Ben Shapiro is so fucking dumb he got into an argument with another conservative simply because that guy was smarter than him. Andrew Neil is a fucking pompous right-wing jackass, but Shapiro is too fucking insipidly stupid to know that, apparently.