• Troy@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    I have mixed feelings. When #9 originally aired, it felt funny, fresh, and edgy as a bit, lampooning multiverse plots quite thoroughly. Every time they’ve gone multiverse since then, it has felt like they don’t have a plan – it’s just layering canon they can arbitrarily toss out any time they choose. Like Doctor Who finally destroying the Daleks only for some random deus ex machina after they change showrunners.

    I actually went back and watched #9 after this, only to realize that what I once thought was a cool episode has now been cheapened so much that if #9 aired today, I would think it was merely a “meh” episode. It established that there are no real stakes, and the side effect is that you cannot later create real stakes and expect to be believed. Outro music be damned.

    So this one was fun enough, but still “meh.” That said, because they have a deal for several seasons, I’m actually hoping the writers have a plan, and that one day I’ll return to this episode saying “oh look at the groundwork they laid here” or something. But I’ve been disappointed before :)