No clue how some of you try to track the events of major conflicts. It just all seems like a stew of piss and vomit designed to spread disease. I can hardly read the NYT, guardian, wapost, etc. at all, much less read their war coverage. War itself is bad enough but adding in the perspectives of western analysts is just masochistic. I never want to hear a liberal of any kind mention hamas ever again. Im so sick of the measured intellectuals and their gratuitous condemnations of #violence ever again.

    10 months ago

    You’re seriously trying to project your own psychological issues on to this, I’ve saved your rant for posterity. One of the most disgusting displays of empty sophistry I have ever witnessed. I can’t imagine you have any friends IRL if you think it’s appropriate to do this kind of psychobabble.

    Guess what you little worm, 83% of young people love this shit. Randos and my few friends there LOVED seeing the Merkava destroyed irl. I was showing people at indoor dodgeball. Nobody else is as pathetic as you.

    They also felt privileged to see true heroism for the only time in their fucking life. After having to mope around with people like you.

      10 months ago

      My guy, you just absolutely exploded into a vicious, personal attack in response to a reminder of some basic elements of male socialization under patriarchy and a suggestion that they might play into war voyeurism.

      You just responded to a report that you failed to connect with a certain emotional dimension of a post in a comradeship community with an attempt to dominate and punish, via verbal abuse, the person who pointed that out.