I spent the whole summer in a resort town in my country and from my (admittedly anecdotal) experience the overwhelming majority of kids wear PSG and City shirts. And it’s mostly tourists from different parts of Europe. Basically kids from countries without big clubs tend to flock to the current generation of stars.
Lol yeah, in France in the summer I saw a shop with four kids kits hanging outside. PSG, City, Inter Miami and Al-Nassr. No need to guess the players on the back.
I spent the whole summer in a resort town in my country and from my (admittedly anecdotal) experience the overwhelming majority of kids wear PSG and City shirts. And it’s mostly tourists from different parts of Europe. Basically kids from countries without big clubs tend to flock to the current generation of stars.
Kids from all countries do this, look at all the United fans in the south.
Lol yeah, in France in the summer I saw a shop with four kids kits hanging outside. PSG, City, Inter Miami and Al-Nassr. No need to guess the players on the back.