Please stop me if this is not the appropriate place to speak of issues like this one.

I believe an introduction is due. I have been a Ubuntu user for a little more than a year now and while the whole ecosystem is fantastic and smooth to use, it boggles me that there’s still no app that can match the versatility and easiness in use that Musicbee provides. Strawberry pales in comparison, foobar2000 is clunky and clumsy, Rhythmbox is really without any option for control over your library… Even Tauon (the most complete music player I have found so far) becomes overly, uselessly complex in certain moments. What’s your take on this issue? What do you use for browsing, editing and playing your music collection? Is there any way we’ll ever see something like Musicbee on Linux distros?

    1 year ago

    This needs mpd, tofi, and a nerdfont installed. I bind it to super+m and lets me search and play one album. Nothing else.

    # create menu items
    albumartists=$( mpc list albumartist )
    while IFS= read -r albumartist; do
        albums=$( mpc list album Artist "$albumartist" )
        while IFS= read -r album; do
            if [[ -n "$album" ]]; then
                artist_album_list+="$albumartist 󰎈 $album\n"
        done <<< "$albums"
    done <<< "$albumartists"
    # offer prompt
    selection=$( echo -e "${artist_album_list[@]}" | \
        $menu )
    # extract sel_album and sel_albumartist 
    sel_album=$( echo "${selection#*󰎈}" | xargs )
    sel_albumartist=$( echo "${selection%󰎈*} " | xargs )
    # echo $sel_album # testing purposes
    # echo $sel_albumartist
    # play
    mpc clear
    mpc findadd artist "$sel_albumartist" album "$sel_album"
    mpc play