I’ve seen several posts lately of people complaining about porn showing up in their feeds and the posters say that they don’t want to block all nsfw posts because they follow other things, like news from the war in Ukraine, that gets tagged nsfw because of graphic imagery. I think they have a reasonable complaint and that the best solution is to separate the two types of content such that porn is tagged as nsfw (not safe for work) and graphic images/gore/non-sexual nudity ect are tagged nsfl (not safe for life). It may not be entirely fair to label non-sexual nudity, medical posts, and I’m sure many other categories that aren’t jumping to mind right now as not safe for life but nsfl is an already established and generally recognized tag and I don’t think there’s any real advantage to having more than two tags.

  • curiosityLynx@kglitch.social
    1 year ago

    Yeah, a nasty picture of gangrene would fit NSFL but not Gore. Same goes for so-called fail videos where, for example, a skateboarder fails to stick a landing and ends up with a railing between his legs.

    I’d suggest the following tags:

    • Porn
    • NSFL
    • Triggers

    All of which would automatically add a NSFW tag you can’t add manually. Standard setting would be to hide all NSFW content (or whatever else the instance admin wants to set as default) and for each of these tags users could select hide/blur/show in the settings.