• Rolando@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The article writer doesn’t seem very believable in several other places too.

    • In that snippet I quoted above he said the incident happened both “On Christmas Day” and “two days after Christmas”, as if he’s trying to figure out which one will evoke more sympathy.

    • In the sentence before, he says “I once worked at our outside bar for five hours during a movie night for kids and left with $3.80 in tips… for the night.” Feels bad, but most parents won’t be slamming shots at the bar when they’re watching movies with their kids, especially if they have to drive them home later on. Of course the kids aren’t going to be buying from the bar. Some shifts are just slow.

    • Then there’s this:

    The benefit situation is no better. Workers get to see free movies when theaters aren’t busy, and get half off of meals purchased while at work. But that doesn’t help when you need to see a doctor or get a prescription (Thank you Obama for your Care).

    Obama’s to blame, huh? OK, I see where you’re coming from…