Well not me but my wife is going on a Scandanavian tour + Finland from Korea next week. Is there anything she should know about before going. I’ve been to Europe myself a few times but not the northern part and I’m just worried bout her even though it is relatively safe up there.
That said, anything she should know good or bad? local customs? warnings? tourist traps?
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The original was posted on /r/sweden by /u/BobbyBacala9980 at 2023-07-25 06:55:33+00:00.
BobbyBacala9980 (OP) at 2023-07-25 07:27:08+00:00 ID:
All of Scandanavia is like this or just Sweden? So she should just use her Korean visa credit card for transactions?
Korea is the same way actually… it’s almost a cashless society.
Elhiar at 2023-07-25 07:31:05+00:00 ID:
Yeah just use a debit or credit card.
exForeignLegionnaire at 2023-07-25 07:58:26+00:00 ID:
Mastercard and vida debit, or use Apple pay or Google pay. Don’t bother using cash. At least in Norway.
LuceDuder at 2023-07-25 08:57:05+00:00 ID:
Second that for Finland
s-maerken at 2023-07-25 09:05:28+00:00 ID:
Third that for Sweden
JaguarZealousideal55 at 2023-07-25 07:33:41+00:00 ID:
I don’t know about the other countries.
pink_board at 2023-07-25 07:58:56+00:00 ID:
Easier to use cards but might come with extra fees when converting currencies
bawng at 2023-07-25 08:25:56+00:00 ID:
Someone down voted you but this is correct. Card payments are free in Sweden but if you have a foreign card your bank will charge an exchange fee.
Same as when we Swedes use our cards abroad.
manInTheWoods at 2023-07-25 09:18:37+00:00 ID:
It’s around 1%, better than forex rates. I wouldn’t worry.
Joz43 at 2023-07-25 12:48:02+00:00 ID:
This depends on the bank, there are a few that do 0% and just charge you whatever VISA or Mastercard’s rate is, but yes many large banks charge a foreign transaction fee of anywhere from 1% to 5% on top of the VISA/Mastercard rate.
eloktro at 2023-07-25 08:25:39+00:00 ID:
Yea, all of Scandinavia.
Elhiar at 2023-07-25 07:30:59+00:00 ID:
Yeah just use a debit or credit card.
Drahy at 2023-07-25 08:24:32+00:00 ID:
Denmark is the same.
maark91 at 2023-07-25 09:08:50+00:00 ID:
Get ~500 sek just in case if she visits a farmers market or small kiosks on the beach/nature since they dont always accept cards.
BackgroundRate3700 at 2023-07-25 09:19:38+00:00 ID:
Absolutely. Just make sure to check with the bank before, just in case it’s region locked or something for security purposes.
Possible-Finish-9499 at 2023-07-25 19:37:07+00:00 ID:
If your card requires signature CVM instead of PIN, you’ll have to show passport everytime you want to make payment.
SunTzuYAO at 2023-07-25 08:03:44+00:00 ID:
Norway is very similar in this regard, except for some remote parkings near the wilderness areas where there might be parking fees that can only be paid via their local mobile payment system (which you can’t get as a tourist) or cash. Virtually everything else you’d normally pay by card.
Not sure about the other countries but would imagine it’s the same.