Tomorrow is another gift-giving-holiday.

That means you might be thinking about offering a video game, a console or some sort of connected device.

Please consider turning the device on beforehand and getting it updated so whoever receives the gift can enjoy it promptly.

I’m only saying this because even the Nintendo Switch with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe required 2 hours in order for system and game updates to install.

    11 months ago

    Well, my dear Professor Bbbhltz, thank you for sharing the stellar advice 😊 I was all “Yes, people should do that!” before realizing I’ve bought a game for my kids 😅

    I goofed and Google’d bbbhltz (is there a German reference hidden in there?) before noticing it was your username, found your Bookwyrm account.

    Seems like we have some overlapping reading preferences — can you recommend anything in the sci-fi department that you enjoyed recently? I have a week to read 10 books and reach my 2023 reading goal of 52, and I’m strapped for ideas 🙄