Towers are actually a quite nice mechanic if done right, like in Horizon Zero Dawn or Zelda (or so I’ve heard). Now if it werent’ for Ubisoft being Ubisoft throwing content at their games without rhyme or reason for the sake of having lots of content. In fact HZD is probably the best ubisofty game ever, it takes the formula and does it right.
Is it kind of their version of Far Cry’s whole climb towers to explore in every game thing? Or did they FO76 it with content?
I’d say it’s more like Far Cry, where you go somewhere just to clear out the map.
Towers are actually a quite nice mechanic if done right, like in Horizon Zero Dawn or Zelda (or so I’ve heard). Now if it werent’ for Ubisoft being Ubisoft throwing content at their games without rhyme or reason for the sake of having lots of content. In fact HZD is probably the best ubisofty game ever, it takes the formula and does it right.