…unless they also condemn the USA for invading Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

Most European territories serve the USA’s geopolitical goals. Sanctions against Russia right now are part of that. There’s nothing moral about it. It’s simply a service to the USA for being in its sphere of influence. There is nothing, not a single shred of integrity in that.

If you find a territory which sanctions Russia for its crime, and also the USA for its crimes, you can recognise it as a real principled act.

  • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I suppose your figures are true, which means 14.000 civilians of Ethnic Russians were killed by the Ukrainian regime. There are more than 6 millions people living living in Donetsk and Luhansk, around 40% are Russians. It means 0.1% of them were killed.

    There were only 5% Nazis in Germany’s military back then. Surely 5% cannot do anything, right? They say, there are lies, damn lies and statistics.