Last I’ve heard, there were some issues, but things were getting better. Now I have stumbled upon this headline and wish to know more details about the situation.

  • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them, she/her]
    9 months ago

    LGBT itself is a concept created by western capitalists to divide the working people, and now it has become an excuse to invade third world countries.What the proletariat wants is sexual liberation and equal rights.

    Suck my girl dick. This is social chauvinism dressed in Marxist garb.

    Yes, queer idpol is used to justify global south subjugation by the imperial core. That phenomenon does not make queerness as such, “A concept created by western capitalists to divide the working people”.

    The western queer movement sprang from largely colonized and lumpen elements within the periphery of the working class.

    Simply put, you have it backwards. Queerness was not imposed by capital on the global south.

    The western gender system, and expectations of heterosexuality were violently imposed on the people of the global south. A global south which is full of a vast array of different kinds of sexual expression, and third gender traditions.

    I don’t care about your social activities in the west at all, just remember.Your rich life comes from the blood and sweat of the global South.

    Yeah, sorry, the people of the global south were sucking dick and transing their genders long before the Euros showed up.

    The entire reason pinkwashed imperialism is bullshit, isn’t because queerness is some decadent western imposition. It’s because while the US imperial death machine tries to use the aesthetics of queer acceptance to justify the decimation of Gaza.

    It ignores the Israeli State’s rampant homophobia, and the fact that queer Palestinians who live in Gaza (as they have for its entire history) are just as much at risk of extermination as anyone else.

    Now, go read Leslie Feinberg and do some self crit