"The end of 立ち読み (Tachiyomi) is the beginning of みほん (Mihon)"
Credit to LinkCable, the icon designer, for this poetic quote.
What's New?
Well, nothing, except you now you need Android 8+ to install...
It’s simple. Go to Tachiyomi and create a backup. Then, in Mihon, during the first setup, it should give an option to restore backup.
You can also resotre backup in Mihon settings, then go to extensions and (trust) the restored extensions.
It’s pretty much the same app at its core. So no need to change file names or formats. Everything should transfer.
Sorry, I’m super tech/software illiterate, can someone explain how to transfer what I had on tachiyomi over tonthis new app?
Rn it’s just reskinned tachiyomi so export backup > import backup in mihon
It’s simple. Go to Tachiyomi and create a backup. Then, in Mihon, during the first setup, it should give an option to restore backup. You can also resotre backup in Mihon settings, then go to extensions and (trust) the restored extensions.
It’s pretty much the same app at its core. So no need to change file names or formats. Everything should transfer.