Fifteen states — all but one run by Republican governors — skipped the deadline to apply for a new federally-funded program that will provide $120 per child for groceries during the summer months to families of children who already qualify for free or reduced-price lunch at school.

  • Verdant
    před 9 měsíci

    forgot to add only republicans bad you have to vote democrat and everyone has the right to vote here so it is the people not voting and voting republican ruining the country not the corporate owned politicians

    pardon me

      • Verdant
        před 9 měsíci

        criticizing both corporate parties in my comment

        we already pay taxes as citizens and businesses pay too it should go somewhere not just to our neighboring states because the citizens unfortunately lost the geographic lottery or not allowed to vote or whatever in the state they are in

        it would look like less funding for the military industrial complex and more school funding for nutrition and education

        making everything into a state by state geographic lottery game is too hunger games to accept

        states should have to comply with federal law and programs especially when it comes to our future as a nation

        biden campaigned on such promises with making the police a federal thing not a state by state wild wild west do whatever unless you are in that other state kind of thing

        it would look like our taxes went somewhere and we could see the results

        the federal government passes something to do with funding vital human services and states should have to comply

        should the states not have to do anything the government decides on?

        and without state support? the citizens do not support eating food?

        you are confusing government and citizens

          před 9 měsíci

          I get that you don’t think things should be this way. But you’re singling out Biden for criticism. All I am asking you is just some hypothetical course of action that the president could have been doing to make the school lunch thing happen in this situation.

          The law was created by Congress (not the president) and it’s set up as a federally funded, state-administered program. Without some sort of explanation for how Biden should have solved this problem, I have to assume that you are speaking out of ignorance of how our government works. And the thing that frustrates me is that the GOP did this cynical move knowing that people like you will just put the blame on the president. They get what they want from their evil, bullshit political stunts.

          And meanwhile, you direct your anger and energy in the wrong place, so that even if you got what you want — a president you think is awesome — you’d find that the problems aren’t solved at all because the government is so much more than the president.