So the question is a bit weird and for the sake of not sounding like a complete edgelord I will try to explain what I mean

I used to be pretty active inside the hooligan scene (lol) when I was younger. I still follow lots of football ultras accounts and the occasional hooligan thing gets posted there as well. It should be no surprise that some hooligan groups are pretty right wing or out right fascist. One of the Dutch accounts posted a Feyenoord hooligan picture in which some of their members posed in front of a ‘anti antifa’ banner, with the purpose of looking cool of course, flexing their muscles and whatnot.

I decided to call them out on it, saying it’s messed up since Rotterdam was bombed to pieces by the Nazis even. They deleted the post afterwards.

I rarely see people do this, not even leftist accounts I follow. Which made me think, should we be less afraid about calling shit like this out? To send some sort of message that we are not afraid of losers like them? Or do you think it is counter productive to do so?

I don’t mean we should start doing ‘come fight me bruh’ things, but I feel like the left is sometimes missing a link between neanderthal fighting and your average debate me bro intellectual leftist that speaks to the people.

    8 months ago

    Not sure if this is what you mean but I tend to spend a lot of time online responding to right wingers. I usually target when they are attempting to be critical of liberalism and frustrate the narrative. I usually take a hard stance and am ruthless in exposing their ignorance of, for example, feminist discourse. I want them to know why I think they are worse than fools. Part of how I left being a reactionary is realising that much of the narrative was based on disengenous interpretations so I double down on that.

    So if someone is bemoaning that everything bad that happens to women is their fault, and that it is not studied that women hurt each other because of feminist propaganda and obsession with patriarchy, I explain that feminists have been talking about the role of women in patriarchy for decades. Litterally, every waking moment of their life has been an opportunity to learn this, yet they prefer to shit in their hand and smear it all over instead of taking their education seriously. It is wildly undignified, completely unworthy of respect to say something so demonstrably false just to demonize women. There is no excuse. My hope is that it may illuminate that they think with ideology too much and that their ridiculous conservative identity might be holding them back and making them a fool.

    Honestly, however, I don’t think it’s very effective and is sort of a gamble. Potentially, it is an information hazard. The right has been coopting “left wing” talking points at a higher clip than they were 10 years ago and I feel like using discourse can end up hurting more than it helps. We need something more than discourse to go along with it imo. When I turned, I also had lost faith in everything I knew. It was more than just persuasive talking points or stirn instructions.