Rule Changes

  • +1 IR Slot
  • +1 Point for 3 and Out
  • +2 Points for 4th Down Stop
  • The 2025 draft order for teams that miss the playoffs will be determined by Max Points For.

Passed: Third Permanent IR Slot

We will add one additional IR slot, bringing the total to 3 IR slots. The league voted 10 for, 2 against.

Failed: Eliminate Team D/ST Slot

Team D/ST will remain a position. The league voted 4 for, 8 against.

Passed: +1 Point for Team D/ST “Three and Outs”

Team D/ST will score 1 point on a Three and Out. The league voted 9 for, 3 against.

Conditionally Passed: +2 Points for Team D/ST “Fourth Down Stop”

Team D/ST will score 2 points on a “Fourth Down Stop,” otherwise known as a turnover on downs. The league voted 8 for, 4 against. This rule change will require ratification after the 2024 season.

Runoff: Restructure the Draft

The league voted 9 for, 3 against restructuring the draft. We held a ranked choice instant runoff to determine how.

Results: Ranking System Weight

Final Record (7 votes ) and Max Points For (8 votes) were the only metrics passed for use by the league. This factored in to the wording on the runoff ballot.

Results: Consolation Bracket Format

Our consolation bracket will remain a Toilet Bowl. It will have no impact on the draft.

Runoff Results

After a four round runoff, Max Points For won as the format of draft restructuring.

Round 1
First 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Last
Vote 1: Don’t Change Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Only Draft Lottery Only Consolation Bracket Weighted Lottery
Vote 2: Don’t Change Only Max Points For Only Consolation Bracket Only Draft Lottery Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery
Vote 3: Don’t Change Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Weighted Lottery Only Draft Lottery Only Consolation Bracket
Vote 4: Only Max Points For Don’t Change Weighted Lottery Weighted Ranking Only Consolation Bracket Only Draft Lottery
Vote 5: Only Max Points For Only Draft Lottery Only Consolation Bracket Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery Don’t Change
Vote 6: Only Max Points For Only Consolation Bracket Weighted Ranking Don’t Change Weighted Lottery Only Draft Lottery
Vote 7: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Weighted Lottery Only Draft Lottery Only Consolation Bracket Don’t Change
Vote 8: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Only Consolation Bracket Weighted Lottery Don’t Change Only Draft Lottery
Vote 9: Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery Only Max Points For Don’t Change Only Consolation Bracket Only Draft Lottery
Vote 10: Weighted Lottery Only Max Points For Only Draft Lottery Weighted Ranking Don’t Change Only Consolation Bracket
Vote 11: Weighted Lottery Weighted Ranking Don’t Change Only Draft Lottery Only Consolation Bracket Only Max Points For
Vote 12: Only Consolation Bracket Only Max Points For Don’t Change Weighted Ranking Only Draft Lottery Weighted Lottery
Round 1 Results
Rule Change First Choice Votes (7 to win)
Weighted Ranking 3
Only Max Points For 3
Don’t Change 3
Weighted Lottery 2
Only Consolation Bracket 1
Only Draft Lottery 0

Only Consolation Bracket and Only Draft Lottery were eliminated.

Round 2
First 2nd 3rd Last Eliminated
Vote 1: Don’t Change Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery
Vote 2: Don’t Change Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery
Vote 3: Don’t Change Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Weighted Lottery
Vote 4: Only Max Points For Don’t Change Weighted Lottery Weighted Ranking
Vote 5: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery Don’t Change
Vote 6: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Don’t Change Weighted Lottery
Vote 7: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Weighted Lottery Don’t Change
Vote 8: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Weighted Lottery Don’t Change
Vote 9: Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery Only Max Points For Don’t Change
Vote 10: Weighted Lottery Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Don’t Change
Vote 11: Weighted Lottery Weighted Ranking Don’t Change Only Max Points For
Vote 12: Only Max Points For Don’t Change Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery Only Consolation Bracket
Round 2 Results
Rule Change First Choice Votes (7 to win)
Only Max Points For 4
Weighted Ranking 3
Don’t Change 3
Weighted Lottery 2
Only Consolation Bracket 0
Only Draft Lottery 0

Weighted Lottery was eliminated.

Round 3
First 2nd Last Eliminated
Vote 1: Don’t Change Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking
Vote 2: Don’t Change Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking
Vote 3: Don’t Change Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For
Vote 4: Only Max Points For Don’t Change Weighted Ranking
Vote 5: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Don’t Change
Vote 6: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Don’t Change
Vote 7: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Don’t Change
Vote 8: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Don’t Change
Vote 9: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Don’t Change
Vote 10: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Don’t Change Weighted Lottery
Vote 11: Weighted Ranking Don’t Change Only Max Points For Weighted Lottery
Vote 12: Only Max Points For Don’t Change Weighted Ranking Only Consolation Bracket
Round 3 Results
Rule Change First Choice Votes (7 to win)
Only Max Points For 5
Weighted Ranking 4
Don’t Change 3
Weighted Lottery 0
Only Consolation Bracket 0
Only Draft Lottery 0

Don’t Change was eliminated.

Round 4
First Last Eliminated
Vote 1: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Don’t Change
Vote 2: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Don’t Change
Vote 3: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Don’t Change
Vote 4: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking
Vote 5: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking
Vote 6: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking
Vote 7: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For
Vote 8: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For
Vote 9: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For
Vote 10: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Weighted Lottery
Vote 11: Weighted Ranking Only Max Points For Weighted Lottery
Vote 12: Only Max Points For Weighted Ranking Only Consolation Bracket
Round 4 Results
Rule Change First Choice Votes (7 to win)
Only Max Points For 7
Weighted Ranking 5
Weighted Lottery 0
Only Consolation Bracket 0
Only Draft Lottery 0
Don’t Change 0

Only Max Points For wins.