>be me
>highschool gym class
>shirts vs skins
>take off shirt
>gym teacher sees my bruises
>get called into office
>asked if bruises are from home
>no these are from school
>oh ok
>never chosen for skins again
>thanks gym teacher
>be me
>highschool gym class
>shirts vs skins
>take off shirt
>gym teacher sees my bruises
>get called into office
>asked if bruises are from home
>no these are from school
>oh ok
>never chosen for skins again
>thanks gym teacher
I was in martial arts in highschool, and the star student got in a fight. Advanced levek blackbelt, teaching lessons himself, winning regional competitions, wanted to do mma and teach it shortly before it really became a known thing, think he actually does that now.
I had recently watched this guy hold his own sparring against the lead instructor of our “dojo” and the lead instructor for the state. They came at him one at a time, but it was one contiuous match.
The star student did not initiate the fight at school. He could have broken the kid who attacked him in half without much effort, but he didn’t even attempt to block. He knew the zero tolerance rules and didn’t want anything to come back on him.
If I recall right, the attacker broke or sprained the star student’s arm. School admin still came down on him. It took intervention by state level people in our martial arts org and numerous others for them to let him back before the attacker.
This sounds like some adolescent power fantasy, but it’s not. Just absolutely fucking absurd.