Just very recently started playing. Watched a bunch of videos, so in theory, I have an ok basis to go off for the game and stuff, but in all of them it’s been recommend that you don’t queue solo - even a random partner is going to be better than none, they said.
That said, how long do I usually have to wait? I’ve been sitting there waiting and waiting and nothing seems to be happening. Is Hunt on console just not played enough to find me a partner quicker? Do I have to reach a certain level first?
Appreciate it.
I also play pc so I’m not sure if this can happen on console, but I’ve recently had a bug where I wasn’t able to join games solo at all, not even the shooting range. Normally you should hear a 5 second countdown after pressing play, after which you join the queue. If you don’t hear the countdown, maybe you’re also experiencing that bug. Sadly I have no idea how to fix it…
I think it might have had to do with my low level. I played a few rounds solo and was able to find partners easily afterwards. Thanks for suggestion though :)