Some gems from the article.

ā€¦ We numbered 50 or so. We came from places like Harvard and Stanford and UChicago and MIT and U Penn. There was James, who studied computer science. Then there was Cameron, who also studied computer science. David and Peter studied computer science, while Luke and Albert studied computer science. As for Mike and Jason, the former studied computer science, whereas the latter studied computer science. Ethan was not unlike Max, in that both studied computer science. Some people studied business, too.

The studentsā€™ demographics were as revealing as their chosen majors. Roughly 80% were white. Over 70% were men. There was not a black man in the room.

(And if you need to leave to use the bathroom, youā€™ll get to pass by a massive oil painting of George W. Bush making the Hand of Benediction in front of the wreckage of 9/11, beside a Madonna-figure whose halo glows, I shit you not, with the Coca Cola logo.)

Peter springs to the center of the room. The air pressure changes. A buzz, a hum, a current about us. He brims with a frenzied energy. Something is happening. He is going to give us a taste of whatā€™s to come, he says. This is the kind of intellectual activity weā€™re going to experience at UATX. Weā€™re going to grapple with big issues. Weā€™re going to be daring, fearless, undaunted. Weā€™re going, he says, to do something called ā€œStreet Epistemology.ā€

What is Street Epistemology? Heā€™ll demonstrate. Itā€™s one of two things he does, the other being jiu-jitsu. ā€œI donā€™t have a life,ā€ he says. ā€œI talk to strangers and I wrestle strangers.ā€ But before we can do Street Epistemology, Peter needs to think of some questions.

ā€œYou gotta get into jiu-jitsu, man. Iā€™m telling you.ā€ Peter did jiu-jitsu. Itā€™d changed his life. He spun around in his seat, scanned the rest of the bus, then whipped back to laser his eyes on me. ā€œI could murder everybody on this bus and nobody could stop me. Itā€™s a superpower.ā€ I thought this over.

Many of the founders had participated in the same conservative think tanks: The Hoover Institution, The Manhattan Institute, The American Enterprise Institute. Many had contributed to The Free Press, the digital paper founded by Bari Weiss in 2021, the same year UATX was announced. Many were friends or fans of Jordan Peterson. One UATX founder was even double-dipping, delivering lectures at both UATX and Petersonā€™s forthcoming Peterson Academy. One had been fired from Princeton University after sleeping with a student and ā€œdiscouraging her from seeking mental health care,ā€ per an official university statement. One had been accused of assaulting his girlfriend. (The charges were dropped.) Another had had a talk at MIT canceled after comparing Affirmative Action to ā€œthe atrocities of the 20th century.ā€ And so, beneath their optimism, there churned bitterness and indignation at their mistreatment by the Thought Policeā€”sour feelings they sweetened with their commitment to ā€œfree and open inquiry.ā€

    4 months ago

    I havenā€™t checked but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this came from the period when he was taking so many substances it fucked his health

      4 months ago

      Itā€™s from Maps of Meaning, per the caption, so no this is from his original theory of everything.

      Nonetheless, to be perfectly honest, I honestly canā€™t complain that he put something weird like that in the book as such. What, after all, is actually wrong with it, assuming a certain amount of charity about context relevance? That itā€™s gross to recount weird sexually charged dreams you had about your grandmother?

      For a psychologist in the tradition of Jung, and therefore to a great extent Freud, such material might actually be quite useful! Amongst the worst things therapy culture - and perhaps the whole ideology of post-Freud psychology/iatry/therapy - does is to rehabilitate prudishness about what it is and is not acceptable to talk about in our psychic lives, when liberation from those oppressive norms is precisely the best achievement of those aspects of Freud which remain uncontroversial (not to mention those which are only controversial for bad reasons).

      You know the whole thing: ā€œwe donā€™t talk about that wanting to have sex with your mother stuffā€, well why on Earth not? Amongst the most obvious things in the world is that people are incredibly weird and complex. Why cave in to propriety and ignore it?

      Lots of people have experiences like this, and therefore by definition itā€™s important to discuss them - non-pathologically - if you want to understand (and improve) peopleā€™s psychic life.

        4 months ago

        Originally I had a longer and more nuanced gut response that was along the lines of: ā€œok people have weird dreams and whatever, sure, but why would you publish this instead of just talking about it in therapy?ā€ which you have answered more or less

        4 months ago

        re source - fair, I havenā€™t really looked into it (because I prefer to limit how much brainpoison from these dipshits I allow into my own head)

        the spirit of my comment was in the lines of ā€œpeople have been known to have surreal visions/thoughts/ideas amped up by compoundsā€, albeit itā€™s on me to not have worded that out well (and to be clear here, this isnā€™t said in judgement of taking compounds, either). and with aphantasia I guess my reference of perception is a bit slanted, too. as to the rest of your post, broadly I agree with that stance. a lot of things in this world would be better if people werenā€™t fucking shamed for talking about 'em

          4 months ago

          Yeah, I kind of used you to grandstand about a broader point that I hoped other people who had the ā€œyuckā€ reaction would see, and I still havenā€™t figured out how to tag people (i.e. the person above) on this janky site

            4 months ago

            Depends what client you use, but itā€™s roughly markdown-ish link format with the bit in () being the username (incl. domain)