• Exocrinous@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    The pandemic is a conspiracy manufactured by Bill Gates.

    I like saying this fact because it’s exactly what reactionaries believe, but they’ve got it completely backwards. See, there was a UN initiative to prevent processes for manufacturing covid vaccines from being patented. If there were no patents on vaccines, poor countries could manufacture their own locally. They wouldn’t be dependent on donations from rich countries and the absurd prices charged by pfizer and the like. Vaccines would have been made quickly and cheaply all around the world. But Bill Gates used his political influence to shoot this initiative down, to protect his investments in big pharma companies. So, covid gets shut down in the first world, but it continues to spread in the third world, and there it mutates into new vaccine resistant variants. Those spread back to the first world, and the pandemic continues. And big tech stock prices soar.