This is I think the third time in my life I’ve made a character sheet for a tabletop RPG so I’ve probably messed something up, but I thought I’d share it just the same. I tried to focus on making someone who is good at fixing and making things, and who only has some basic recreational sport fighting knowhow which he’d be very reluctant to use (and which might be dubiously useful anyways). I’m not sure how well he’d fit action-heavy campaigns - he’s almost closer to a ship’s engineer kind of role, and I’m not sure how that’d fit an investigation, for example. But I wanted to do something different, and emphasize other kinds of problem solving, so here’s what I came up with:

I might change his origins based on where the next campaign I can join takes place. I feel like he’d fit just as well in another city, or even in one of the orbital or martian locations.