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Moore was aghast by the rollout of the new digital surveillance program and agitated by the prospect that residents in his town would once again line up to be guinea pigs following the tyrannical vaccine mandates the nation had already complied with.

“I completely ignored it. But the way the media played it up — it was like East Palestine was a test town that they volunteered to be part of, that they were chosen and were going to implement it right after Jan. 23. I do find it odd,” he said. “I find it a coincidence that we are having coincidences pile up around here.”

“They began monitoring your physical activity, your heart rate, your respiration, anything you might be exposed to. I see this as the kind of censor you would put on an astronaut or on an athlete that you wanted to track to see how he’d react to stress or being winded, or in this instance chemical exposure. It’s a monitoring device.”