I recently set up a LLM to run locally on my desktop. Now that the novelty of setting it up and playing with different settings has worn off, I’m struggling to come up with actual uses for it. What do you use it for when not doing work stuff?

  • I occasionally use LLMs to generate a set of characters for a TTRPG, if I don’t have the time to prepare and/or know we’ll play a very limited scenario in terms of who my PCs are able to meet. This is especially true for oneshots where I just don’t want to put too much work in.

    I recently built a scenario for a cthulhu themed scenario, that was set in a 1920s Louisiana prison and planned for two to three sessions. I just had an LLM do a list of all the prisoners and guards on the PCs block, with a few notes on the NPCs look and character. This drastically reduced the time I had to put in preparing the scenario.