• Sprawlie@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Yup. here too in Canada.

    The leader of the opposition, and several of his party members were found cohorting and publicly hanging out with neo-nazi’s and insurrectionists.

    They then paraded their only token Jewish MP in the party to get up in parliament and claim that the CPC can’t be nazi’s / racist since She’s a Jew. (Meanwhile, I’m from her community, and her community HATES her for being a violence spewing anti-nonjew asshole, who has been encouraging Jewish parents to arm themselves against the islam/palestinian threats to their children in Canada). the fact that a Jewish person seems perfectly ok to ignore and lie about her own party members meeting with NeoNazi’s should tell you that for her, it’s about power and she’s willing to use our heritage for that power.

    Seriously: Look up MP Melissa Lantsman history. She’s one of the most Vile human beings I’ve sadly met.