• TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Hiring has been so broken at the companies I’ve worked at. A lot of my coworkers decided code tests are bad, I think because it makes them uncomfortable to watch a candidate squirm. It makes me uncomfortable too, and live coding is stressful. But It also tells you a lot about their thinking.

    Each company I worked for who eschewed code tests hired exceptionally bad programmers at times. I’m dealing with that right now. Sometimes I feel like I am going crazy because my coworkers tend not to notice how poorly these new folks interviewed or perform on the job. I was always the hardest interviewer and I honestly felt I went easy on people 90% of the time.

    Most of our interviews weren’t as awful as these in the post but once we video chatted with a guy who was clearly googling and reading answers to us. You could see the reflection of his monitor in his glasses. It was hilarious but painful AF at the same time.