I am seriously considering picking the game up on steam sale to play on my deck. I haven’t played a “modern” game in a great many years, but love the look of this one.

From everything I see, it looks like it plays a lot like Grand Theft Auto, which is fine in my mind. I’ve spent many a good play through on GTA in the past just messing around.

  • TankCrimes@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I was very excited for this prior to release. I never played the TTRPG but I did play a lot of the Shadowrun system.

    On release I was quite disappointed with it, I couldn’t really put my finger on exactly why (aside from the obvious). I started back up in December and it seemed a lot better, suddenly making the game a top 10 for me. Since then I’ve hit all the endings.

    That being said I wouldn’t buy it or start it until the DLC patch releases. Apparently quite a few changes are coming to the base game when the DLC comes out.