Sad news tonight. Nintendo of America has requested for 717 games and their images to be removed from The Vault. Each download plus it’s box art and screen shots are no longer available.
Sad news tonight. Nintendo of America has requested for 717 games and their images to be removed from The Vault. Each download plus it’s box art and screen shots are no longer available.
Now more than ever I wish the Purge was real so I could steal a car, drive over there to their HQ, and then absolutely destroy the place. They deserve it.
If the purge was real they’d have a private security firm there to turn you into a reddish paste.
The entire point (aside from being violence bait) of the movies is that the violence is a tool of the ruling class to keep the masses at each others throats.
I wouldn’t know the point of the movies since I rarely watch live action movies anymore, but neither that or the security firm thing would stop me from trying. I’m a stubborn, pig-headed individual at times and this is one of those times.
This fictional universe you would rather live in than reality?
You realize the security firm in this case would be sporting hardware that would make you a stain on the wall in 2 seconds from “trying”.
Be the purge you wish to see in the world.
Speaking of which does anyone have a quality article about that recent time where Nintendo’s lawyers showed up at someone’s door and confiscated something? I believe that’s what happened but I could be incorrect.Searching online I am just finding other examples of Nintendo shenanigans.Eidt: I was thinking of this story regarding Magic the Gathering Cards and Wizards of the Coast not Nintendo
Don’t think I’ve heard anything about that. Closest I can recall is when someone was accidentally sent some Magic the Gathering cards last year that weren’t released and the manufacturers decided to send Pinkerton goons to get them back.
Thank you! That was it. I guess it sounded like a Nintendo thing to do