On Saturday, May 25th, to jeers and boos, Donald Trump addressed the Libertarian Party conference, a testament to the far-Right turn that the third largest political party in the United States has made following the takeover by the Alt-Right aligned Mises Caucus. Ironically, Trump spoke under a huge banner featuring a faux circled anarchist (A)...
my hot take on the booing is that it was staged to splash the libertarian brand across all major media sites to scoop up these very votes the article is talking about; at such a crucial time before the election, we’re seeing Biden fail to inspire the masses—and, frankly, his age—and Trump continuously failing as a the successful, antiestablishment businessman he convinced many he was in 2016. isn’t the alt-right’s strategy for this election to sway votes away from Biden; no consideration for where they land, left or right, just as long as Biden doesn’t land them?