Guess what the last commune I lived in was going to become?
So, I visited another one to maybe move into and asked around. They said it was also going to be turned into one.
What’s so hilarious about it is that everyone says it in such a matter of fact way. Like: yes, my home and that of my friends will be destroyed, our social group will break apart, and our cultural events that see a lot of visitors will also be a goner. But ya, it’s gonna be a parking lot!
And to think that the only unrealistic thing in Victor Vivisector’s characterization was that his enemies were furry teenagers (for those curious, look up Furry Force on youtube)
Guess what the last commune I lived in was going to become? So, I visited another one to maybe move into and asked around. They said it was also going to be turned into one.
What’s so hilarious about it is that everyone says it in such a matter of fact way. Like: yes, my home and that of my friends will be destroyed, our social group will break apart, and our cultural events that see a lot of visitors will also be a goner. But ya, it’s gonna be a parking lot!
Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell
Ya but how do you get to paradise without a place to park your car? Checkmate.
And to think that the only unrealistic thing in Victor Vivisector’s characterization was that his enemies were furry teenagers (for those curious, look up Furry Force on youtube)