So, I had a conversation with my sisters husband about politics, he gifted me a book (the power of geography) , which he claimed to be leftist… because it merely mentioned colonialism. He framed that as anti-white racism and how we, the ‘whites’, should be proud of our ‘accomplishments’ and how it’s badass that ‘we’ conquered the entire world.

He then further went on to mention that after colonialism ‘ended’ the natives didn’t know how to do anything, because they kicked the smart whites out.

What the hell do I do about this nutjob? Is there any hope for him? Should I even try to convince him that he’s an absolutely moron?

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    3 months ago

    Doesn’t sound like there’s any hope for him, apart from magically gaining a sense of human decency, or getting a medical dose of lead.

    If all the past 500 years of white racism, genocides, colonialism, and other “accomplishments” are something to be proud of and “badass,” though, why’s he whining like a little removed about supposedly “anti-white ‘racism’?” What’s good for the goose, must be good for the gander… Maybe the supposed “anti-white racism” should then be considered a sign that the rest of the world has learned the lessons of the west; maybe actual anti-white racism should be considered hella badass. If he wants to go all darwinist about it, maybe he should consider that perhaps by his logic a “superior,” “badass” group of peoples are returning to the forefront, and the weak “whites” whose feefees get hurt by… objective reality and history, for whom simply coexisting with other peoples is apparently so impossible it’s called “white genocide,” and whose genes are apparently so weak they get diluted by a drop of “non-white” blood- those wimpy whiteys of the west (no relation to the actually decent Slavs and Celts) are simply returning to their rightful place in the dustbin of history.

    I wonder what he would think about that? Maybe it’s the rest of the world’s turn to be “badass” and teach the west a thing or two. It would be nothing to be ashamed of, rather the opposite after all… right?