Vulnerable residents at an elderly care home near Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, have been mistreated and neglected, a BBC Africa Eye investigation has revealed.

Secret filming shows staff members physically mistreating residents, dumping food directly onto tables without any plates, and leaving medical conditions untreated.

“Hit her on the buttocks. Beat her,” a member of staff urges a stick-wielding colleague, at the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) Thogoto Care Home for the Aged, about 20km (12 miles) west of Nairobi.

The undercover footage shows that moments before, three staff dressed in purple uniforms, surround an old woman by a metal gate flanked by sheets of corrugated iron at the perimeter of the home’s garden.

“Where were you heading to on that side?” asks one of the staff. “You were called and refused to come back.”

The old woman, wearing a fleece and a bobble hat, appears confused and frightened.

“Oh, please forgive me,” she says.

“Now we have to cane you,” says one of the staff.