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The original was posted on /r/fediverse by /u/skwee357 on 2023-08-01 14:31:05+00:00.

I’m a big believer in owning my content, and recently I’ve moved most of my content to my personal website.

However it’s based on markdown and git, and it’s static. I also have a mastodon account.

I’m considering self hosting one of the fediverse software that can interact with mastodon, so I’ll be able to throw away my static micro blog.

I’m good with servers and terminal and all that stuff. What’s a good software for my use case? I’ve heard about GoToSocial, Akomma, and Pleroma. I’m looking for something light (so I won’t have to pay too much for the server), and simple (preferably an SQLite database, so backups will be easy). And support for Mastodon API so I can use all the cool mobile apps.
