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The original was posted on /r/linux by /u/scriptmonkey420 on 2023-08-07 17:51:44+00:00.

I have some Linux VMs that are running in workstation 17.

They are all having issues connecting to the VLAN vmnet that I have setup.

I have it setup as a bridge network to the VLAN interface (VLAN_50@enp4s0) on the host to vmnet2.

The one Windows VM I have is not having a problem at all with this. It is just the Linux VMs. I cannot even get a Network Install to get an IP, but the windows VM has no issues with connecting to that VLAN and communicating with other devices on that VLAN.

Has anyone had this issue before?

All VMs can get an IP when they are on VLAN1 (host nic without VLAN)

My desktop can communicate on the VLAN50 as can the windows VM on that VLAN.

VMware Network Config:

VM Config:

ip a output:

Windows VM ipconfig :

Windows VM Config: