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The original was posted on /r/web_design by /u/Vibrascity on 2023-08-07 14:51:03+00:00.

Hello, I have a brand that I work for, we will call it “hemda” … Hemda sells threads for sewing.

Currently hemda has the main domain, but we also ship and serve customers in the USA. We are looking at purchasing, what would be the best way to go about utilizing this domain to appeal to the USA audience? As I see it, most Americans would see a domain and just automatically assume that they will only provide services to the UK, which is why we are looking to a .com domain. A lot of SEO optimisations and growth has been made recently pushing the domain. If I simply bought the domain and redirected it to the domain, would this even be beneficial at all?

  • Would this even show up in search results for people located in the USA.
  • What happens when they are redirected to the website, will they just assume we don’t ship to the USA before reading the FAQ page?
  • Is there anyway to run the .com through the website? e.g browing is actually running on the same hosting as except people in the USA see the .com domain.
  • What other options do I have?

Any help and advice would be awesome, I don’t have very much knowledge about dealing with multi domains and trying to serve multiple countries through the same hosting/database.