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The original was posted on /r/music by /u/DunnoWhatToChooze on 2023-08-07 21:36:46+00:00.

Tbh, I’m not very familiar with their discography and I’ve only just listened to Long Season for the first time, so maybe it’s just a matter of time for this record to grow on me, but I really don’t get the immense acclaim it has received on Internet. Obv it’s a very fine record, but 30th highest rated album of all time and best dream pop record ever on RYM? 90/100 on Metacritic? I wouldn’t give more than a 8/8,5 out of 10. Again, maybe I haven’t listened to it with the right mindset due to expectations, or maybe this is just the kind of record you have to let grow on you in order to fully appreciate, but to me it seems like I’m missing something about them.