Mostly asking for other people on the spectrum, but allistics are free to comment also.

    30 days ago

    Sorry to hear about that it sounds very hard.

    It definitely wasn’t as easy as it might have sounded and I was very lucky to have been given a second chance where I was able to focus on these things.

    But one of the biggest lessons I have learned along the way is that those people who say give it 100% are not for me. The only way I can get anywhere is to give it 5-10% today and then just keep trying to do 5-10% everyday. Eventually that 5-10% becomes 20, 30, etc. until I get in a nice rhythm whereas if I started by pushing myself to 100% on day one I would never do anything on day two. Not trying to say it’s what’s right for everyone or that it would work for you, but I wish you the best, it’s a hard path.

      30 days ago

      But one of the biggest lessons I have learned along the way is that those people who say give it 100% are not for me.

      A thousand times this. I’ve been in group therapy most of this year. A lot of faces have come and gone. I’ve gotten so tired of hearing variations on the above (along with the usual suggestions of task chunking, do X for Y minutes then break/reward, etc). But I’ve also learned how to handle it better. I assume good faith on their part and do what I can to explain my experience. Not everyone is going to get it, and to them I usually say “I hope you never understand.” But there’s almost always someone else nodding along… it’s nice to not feel alone, but at the same time I feel awful that they know the nightmare.

      I’m happy you got that second chance. We all need a mulligan sometimes. But so often it’s not an option. Society is all round holes, and has little patience for the square pegs. I somehow made it work for 40 some odd years, but it took its toll.

      And thank you for the kind words. Best to you as well. 🍻