5 USD, this is just taking the piss now, things cannot be allowed to get cheaper anymore. I’m glad 8bitdo exists, at least they don’t have stick drift lol.
I’m glad 8bitdo exists, at least they don’t have stick drift lol.
I’m actually kind of sad so many people deleted their reddit comments because I would have never fixed my ultimate C controller without a comment. I had no idea they had “hall effect” sensors or whatever so I thought I had stick drift until I found a reddit comment mentioning that you can’t have that and to just use rubbing alcohol to fix it, which it did!
5 USD, this is just taking the piss now, things cannot be allowed to get cheaper anymore. I’m glad 8bitdo exists, at least they don’t have stick drift lol.
I’m actually kind of sad so many people deleted their reddit comments because I would have never fixed my ultimate C controller without a comment. I had no idea they had “hall effect” sensors or whatever so I thought I had stick drift until I found a reddit comment mentioning that you can’t have that and to just use rubbing alcohol to fix it, which it did!