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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/talkingBird2345 on 2023-08-08 16:38:51+00:00.

Looking into getting a Synology DS923+ running TrueNAS Scale and I’m wondering about what drives and cache to get.

The idea was to get 4 WD Red Plus drives plus at least one NVMe ssd cache for reading (and maybe one for writing as well), mostly because of good experiences with WD in the past. Are they still recommended?

I also keep reading about Intel optane ssds for NAS cache but I don’t really understand if that is still the optimal solution with todays prices. Do I actually need specific ssds for caching or will any NVMe ssd do the job? The NAS only has 1 Gbit Ethernet, so does cache even matter?

Related to that question: I keep wondering why I should stick with HDDs in the first place when sata SSDs are this cheap today. Would switching to full SSDs on a NAS actually speed things up or is there another bottleneck with the DS923+ setup?