• I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
    1 year ago

    Making fun of someone committing suicide, the real tolerant right.

    “Both sides are equal” It’s just that one side laughs about people dying in a horrible way.

    Do you even hear yourself? You are a malfunctioning being, your morals are so far up your arse that you enjoy suffering. Fucking psychopath

    • SJ0@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      According to scientific studies, children who question their gender identity end up identifying as the gender assigned at birth between 60% and 90% of the time by the age of 18. The studies are listed in that right-wing hive of scum and villainy called wikipedia.

      Under the hippocratic oath, “First: Do no harm”, one must then ask the question of whether “Do nothing” is an option.

      If someone catches a cold, we don’t immediately start a lung transplant. To do so would be highly unethical when most colds resolve themselves within a couple weeks. If we were to do such a thing, then we’d be making people permanent medical cases. Most people would agree that trying to resolve a common cold with a lung transplant would be unethical, even if some minority of cases of the common cold do escalate and require further intervention.

      If over half of people with gender dysphoria in their childhood or teenage years (or perhaps 9 out of 10) are cured by leaving them alone, then any medical intervention needs to be significantly better than that.

      Some people counter by saying that over 90% of people who start treatment for gender dysmorphia before 18 continue the treatment afterwards. This is not the same thing. If you raise children to think they need to do a thing, they’ll keep doing it, but that doesn’t mean they needed to do it. Generations of radical muslims practice female genital mutilation, that doesn’t mean that the practice is good just because mothers who grow up having had it done to them allow it to happen. Many children brought up in abusive cults keep abusing after they get old.

      If someone is cured, then they won’t end up as any sort of suicide statistic because they aren’t trans. By this argument, pushing kids down a path we know leads to a massive suicide rate because it politically agrees with us is quite immoral.

      For a minority of people who question their gender identity, they grow up and continue on to be trans as adults. I feel for them. It’s not an easy life. Part of the argument for hormone blockers is that it becomes easier to pass later. However, blocking puberty has long-lasting effects on people regardless, and so we potentially end up in a situation where we’re permanently harming 9 people to make one person’s life a little easier.

      One of the justifications for really harsh and not very nice memes like the post is that right now we’re doing something else immoral: In trying to promote acceptance of trans people, we’re going several steps in the other direction and glamorizing what is a tragic disorder. We go to kids and say “Hey, are you a boy or a girl? By the way, if you choose something other than the obvious answer, you’re cool and amazing and everyone supports you and you’re so special”. We know from examples such as the satanic panic in the 80s and early 90s that you can push kids to say things that aren’t true (One child claimed they killed and ate a friend of his who was very much alive), so we need to be very careful in supporting a tiny group not to accidentally cause harm to people who otherwise would have been unrelated.

      I don’t condone being shitty to trans people, but I do understand it, especially in a world that appears to be actively causing harm to innocent people. It’s a natural reaction to seeing something that some people might interpret as being pure evil.

      People pushing for bad medical work in the name of the greater good has a long history. Perfrontal lobotamies were considered the new hotness for a long time. Eugenics was famously pushed by leftists such as the man who helped create universal healthcare in Canada. Thing is, just because it’s new doesn’t mean it’s moral. Even the genocide of the jews in Nazi Germany was officially a public health measure.

      • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
        1 year ago

        So many paragraphs just to say you hate that people can be what they want to be and think it’s immoral that we tell others that they can be what they want to be as well. I think it’s immoral you tell kids they’re not allowed to be who they want to be. That’s where we differ, you limit freedom of people you don’t like.

        The stats literally show that giving gender affirming care lowers the 40% suicide risk that you cause. Burn in hell.

        • SJ0@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          Seems like I said the opposite of what you claim.

          Learn to read. It might help you stop being so hateful all your life. You know, when you curse someone, dig two graves.

          • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
            1 year ago

            No kids are chopping anything off. End of story. No trans kids, no other kids. Nobody. Stop perpetuating this extremely psychopathic talking point, you intolerant, suicide-approving cunt.

        • boxcar@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          no need to get spicy.

          you assume kids can make life long decisions when they barely have critical thinking skills. let adults do whatever they want. leave the kids alone. once they hit 16+ … then its only fair they get to live with THEIR poor choices, just like drugs, DUI, and crimes.

          • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
            1 year ago

            Kids aren’t making life decisions. That’s a gross over exaggerated lie peddled to you by some idiots with an agenda. And you can send me 1 or 2 articles with some edge case all you want. Majority of the world doesn’t allow gender affirming care and the biggest majority doesn’t allow kids to have permanent changes done. Stop arguing this bullshit, it’s a front to take away the rights of adults who choose to be who they want to be.

            • boxcar@exploding-heads.com
              1 year ago

              Adults? Fuck adults. They can do whatever they want in my book. 18? Cut your dick off or tits off, that’s your choice.

            • Owner_of_donky@exploding-heads.com
              1 year ago

              Majority of the world doesn’t allow gender affirming care

              That is because most of the world has less or no LGBT propaganda and kids don’t even know that they can become another gender

              • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
                1 year ago

                So awareness and tolerance creates acceptance and treatments proven to work. Amazing! You know didn’t used to know they could be gay either. Guess what really helped them?

                • Owner_of_donky@exploding-heads.com
                  1 year ago

                  Something about your comment isn’t right. I cannot understand it. Maybe you have misspelled something

                  Don’t push it to kids. If a kids really really has dysphoria the kid would show signs of it and most people around it would understand its differences. All those drag queen story times, parades, books about sex for kids, flags all over cities are uneeded. At most they are going to make a straight kid without any dyphoria think he might be she. This kid would probably later kill him self when he gets to an adult age because he made the wrong choice, he can’t handle his female and he can no longer reproduce.

                  That is what we are trying to prevent. Not all those rare cases of real dysphoria.

                  • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
                    1 year ago

                    It doesn’t matter if you think they’re unnecessary. That’s something all of you have in common, you can’t think about anyone else’s situation whatsoever.

                    There has never been a single case of a kid being “convinced” they’re trans or gay and then commit suicide because of that. So shut the fuck up about it

    • Owner_of_donky@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      No one said we are tolerant. A lot of tolerance = degeneracy. We have principals that we follow. Pushing and promoting children to potentially ruin their life with castration chemicals isn’t in our principals.

      The fact that 40% of troons commit suicide and becoming a troon is pushed to children is a really really fucked up moral stance.

      As a teen I can tell you that I’m already questioning too many things in my life. My gender being different isn’t one of them.

      If you don’t want to us laugh at troons don’t push your agenda in our faces. If someone wants to cut his balls off as a grown up he is free to do it. But not a kid that on the first day wants to be astronaut, the other day he wants to be super man and on the third day he want to be a pilot

      • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
        1 year ago

        Holy shit, I don’t even have the time to tell you how incredibly wrong you are. I used to be like you, then I found a girl and felt acceptance and tolerance from the people around me. You’ll reach that point and then you’ll question why you were ever the way you are.

        And if you don’t, well I guess suicide seems like the fair option, seeing your happiness at others’ suffering.

          • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
            1 year ago

            You can’t argue about morals, that requires empathy, understanding why someone might be feeling a certain way. Because only then you might understand that making fun of suicide is horrible.

            • Owner_of_donky@exploding-heads.com
              1 year ago

              I’m not making fun of suicide. I’m making fun of people who think that pushing suicide is ok.

              Anyways. Running from argument means that you’re loosing

              • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
                1 year ago

                Nobody has ever pushed suicide, the only people who push suicide are intolerant cunts like you.

                Running from the argument means that I can see that you’re an irredeemable psychopath and I have more pressing matters to attend to in my life. You don’t fit into the busy schedule and I know you’ll painfully figure out how wrong you were.

                • Owner_of_donky@exploding-heads.com
                  1 year ago

                  If someone is pushing a kid to do an act that has 40% of the kid ending with a rope around his head and I am the one who is opposing it then I don’t see how I am promoting suicide

                  • XeniaFox5587@exploding-heads.com
                    1 year ago

                    I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say here, first of all no one is pushing kids to go kill themselves except the people who make fun of those who are different and also make fun of people who do kill themselves. Though like @I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl said it takes empathy to see that, which you clearly lack.

                  • I_hate_you_welcome@feddit.nl
                    1 year ago

                    First off, 40 is bullshit. There’s a dozen sources disproving your bullshit number. The only reason trans people commit suicide is because of cunts like you and every other right winger literally telling them they’re not allowed to exist as they please.

                    Not only that, but those “acts” you’re speaking of aren’t given to kids. Ooh you’re so gullible

            • XeniaFox5587@exploding-heads.com
              1 year ago

              Indeed it does, it is unfortunate that people in the world can be so cruel but that’s all the more reason we should stick up for others.

      • XeniaFox5587@exploding-heads.com
        1 year ago

        No one said we are tolerant. A lot of tolerance = degeneracy.

        That argument can be used here, too much tolerance of what could be considered violent or abusive behavior indeed does lead to degeneracy, it leads to more people being violent or abusive in that way. Making fun of people who kill themselves very much falls under that umbrella.

        Pushing and promoting children to potentially ruin their life with castration chemicals isn’t in our principals.

        Yeah, that’s why HRT and Surgery isn’t used on minors, in some cases they’ll administer blockers which delay natural changes without causing permanent damage, they can either go through it naturally when they’re older or transition then. If they are forced to go through it naturally when they are younger though they’ll have a harder time doing it when they’re older, which is why we use blockers, to give them time.

        All your arguments seem to be based on the idea of children transitioning which essentially never happens until people come of age (unless they do it DIY, which is very dangerous and certainly not endorsed).

        • Kapow@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          they’ll administer blockers which delay natural changes without causing permanent damage

          This is 100% false. Those “blockers” do cause permanent damage, for example making it highly unlikely they will ever be able to have kids.

          This is what has people so upset about the transition movement, they are making false promises to kids that cause permanent damage before kids a mentally mature enough to weigh the pros and cons.

          Remember informed consent requires accurate information.

        • Owner_of_donky@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          Except when those blocker are being used by law enforcement to chemically castrate sexual predators.

          My arguments are based on the idea that some people are promoting books with sexual acts in them and chemical castration to kids and minors

          • GeraldEstaban@exploding-heads.com
            1 year ago

            I wouldn’t even bother with them, they’re clearly kissing up to those groomers, they’re not going to listen to any logic. They even created two groomer communities trying to push their dumbass woke ideology here, trying to convince kids that it’s possible to be something other than a man or woman, or even trying to say that people can have no gender… somehow (how the hell is that even possible? That makes no fucking sense whatsoever)