My investments have now officially valued over 3%. This is huge, for me; I really feel like Iā€™m getting closer and closer to my goal. Iā€™m still only around 0.4% of the way there, but every step towards that goal feels amazing.

I havenā€™t looking at my current life situation as a sacrifice, but as Iā€™ve reflected on it I have come to see it that way. Objectively, I could rent an apartment, instead of a room; thereā€™s actually one available right now pretty close by with access to a pool and a garden. I could easily, easily afford that. But instead Iā€™m only paying a third of the cost for a room. I could be eating much better and more comfortably; sushi on my own dime, pizza, some Burger King. Instead, I eat at the canteen and tunamayo sandwiches for dinner.

Sure, Iā€™ve made some purchases. I have actually eaten at Burger King a few times, McDā€™s too. But in total Iā€™ve strayed from the ideal maybeā€¦ ā‚¬150 worth? ā‚¬120 of which are new shoes and a new backpack, which I intend to use to death.

Iā€™m saving about 63% of my income every month. Thatā€™s a lot, especially considering I donā€™t really make that much at all. Iā€™m sacrificing a lot. I just happen to be someone that can live pretty well off not much, I have a lot of support and encouragement from my family, and I have a clear goal in mind. Iā€™m striving towards that, so I can handle this. I do wonder though, how nice it would be to live in an apartment by myself, go workout at the gym or swim in the pool. But thatā€™s not the way Iā€™m gonna reach my goals, so itā€™s not the way Iā€™m gonna live.

This goal I talk aboutā€¦ I havenā€™t really defined it very clearly, have I?

I want to be a millionaire. Not because being a millionaire is cool or whatever, but because Iā€™ve calculated that thatā€™s how much I need to retire safely at any age. Meaning that, no matter how old I am, as soon as I hit those 7 figures, Iā€™m gone. The actual number is slightly slower than 1 million, actually, but itā€™s easier to talk about it this way. Also, Iā€™m actually more than 0.4% of the way there, but once again I cut things broadly so I can be safe. I prefer to be wrong because I have too much than because I have too little.

This million though, what can I do with it. Thatā€™s the big question, the way I see it. Iā€™d probably want to buy a house, but the problem is that I canā€™t predict how much a home will cost when I read it, I canā€™t even predict when Iā€™ll reach it! At my current pace, thatā€™ll be when Iā€™m 50. Iā€™m fine with that, more than fine. If I can retire earlier than my parents, Iā€™m happy; I feel like thatā€™s what itā€™s all about, really. But I will almost certainly hit it earlier. I donā€™t want to earn this much forever. I want to advance my career and earn more money. I actually did some funny math, some time ago. It was very rough, but not particularly optimistic: if I can increase my monthly investments by 50% of my current investments every 5 years, I can shave 5 years off my retirement. This means that I can retire by 45. Thatā€™s really not crazy, especially if I emigrate, which is likely.

Regardless, I feel like thinking about all that isnā€™t too helpful nor satisfying. Instead, I want to focus on what Iā€™m actually gonna do with the money.

Well, first of all, Iā€™m not gonna spend much of it at all! The whole point of having that much money is to keep it invested so it can keep growing. Still, thereā€™s a few things I want to buy.

When I first spoke to my grandma about thisā€”she didnā€™t even believe that I meant to do this by the way, she didnā€™t understand that I might want to retire as early as possibleā€”she immediately thought I wanted to buy a house. At the time, I laughed at the idea. Maybe I didnā€™t literally laugh in her face, but I did reject it. After a long time thinking, I just thought that it wasnā€™t worth it. Why would I spend so much money buying a house, when I could just rent an apartment instead? The difference isnā€™t much, and an apartment allows me much more flexibility with much less effort. Iā€™ve thought this over, since then, and Iā€™ve come to the conclusion a house would be nice.

Maybe Iā€™m being silly, I canā€™t quite tell. Hereā€™s the pros, as I see them:

  • No landlord worries
  • Rent wonā€™t increase
  • Itā€™s an investment
  • I can feel settled in
  • Itā€™s a symbol of what Iā€™ve achieved

Basically, itā€™s less worrisome overall, though more expensive. That last point thoughā€¦ Am I stupid? A symbol? What do I care about a symbol?! But really, I want it. Something I can point to and say ā€œsee, it worked!ā€ A place I can really call home. Specifically, I wanted to go back home, to the islands. Houses are cheaper there too. Itā€™d be amazing. I love the people, I love the environment, the clean air and the sea. The big problems donā€™t even apply as much now as they did growing up. Thereā€™s lots of fast delivery stuff like Amazon, the internet is good now. Sure, thereā€™s no fast food places, but who cares?! Thereā€™s good food! I love fish, I mean, come on. Itā€™d be awesome. The only real issue would be travel. Travelling in and out of the island is tough, and itā€™ll likely always be tough, but also just going from place to place is hard. You pretty much need a car there. Thereā€™s electric cars and bicycles, thatā€™s a possibility, but itā€™s still tough, overall, to go and just live like that there. Itā€™s never too hot or too cold, but when it rains it rains. I think itā€™s doable, I think Iā€™d like it, but who knows.

Thereā€™s also the cons, of course:

  • More expensive in the short term
  • Less flexibility with moving around

Thatā€™s it, pretty much, but that first point is a good one. I canā€™t afford to spend a lot upfront, thatā€™s the negative part of my plan. Itā€™s hard to make huge purchases because I need the money to be invested. Even if itā€™s cheaper in the long run, Iā€™d rather have the money now so it can grow than not have it.

Iā€™ll keep thinking about it, I do have a long way to go still.

Something else Iā€™ve been thinking about is emigration. Iā€™ll almost certainly emigrate at some point, yes, but thatā€™s for work. For settling down, I always imagined myself in one of three places: somewhere in the city, back home, or Vermont, USA. Why Vermont? No idea. I just think of the state as a big forest, really, and I love the idea of living in the middle of nowhere in a mansion. The more I learn about the USA though, the less I want to live there, so Iā€™m probably cutting that one out. The problem with the city option is that itā€™s expensive. Buying a small apartment is gonna run me about as much as a large home back home, though it will have a lot of convenient benefits. Back home though, thatā€™s heaven. I grew up in heaven, looking back, marvellous place. Thereā€™s a fourth, secret option though. Get citizenship or a Visa somewhere else with a much lower cost of living and just move there. Living in Thailand or something. Or somewhere else, really, thereā€™s lots of destinations that I could aim for. Nepal.

Iā€™m strongly considering that, more and more. That way, I could retire even earlier, maybe at 40. I donā€™t know.

Still, itā€™s interesting to think about.

And with that, Iā€™m done.

    16 days ago

    Sounds like youā€™re rocking it.

    Remember there will be tough breaks, along the way. But hopefully thereā€™ll be some beneficial ā€œwindfallsā€ to even it out.

    A house is such a practical thing to buy, for the reasons you said. Owning your primary means of transportation, outright with no debt, is similarly freeing. If/when youā€™re able, go for it! Pay as much cash as you can, though. Nothing slows down life plans like financing too much house.

    • gon [he]@lemm.eeOPM
      16 days ago

      Thank you for the comment!

      Yeah, I know things wonā€™t always go my wayā€¦ I do have quite a bit saved up as an emergency fund. Itā€™s worth some 8 months of expenses. I intend to have it keep up with the expenses if I end up upsizing along the way. I have my family to fall back on if things ever get really bad too, though Iā€™d rather not, of course. Canā€™t predict the future though. Hopefully everything turns out alrightā€¦ Iā€™m working hard.

      I do own a bike, which is how I get around. No debt at all either. I donā€™t intend to buy a car or anything, though in the future who knows if Iā€™ll need oneā€¦ Iā€™m terrified of debt, so if I do get one Iā€™ll make sure it buy it outright.
