• DragonSlayer999 [none/use name]@hexbear.netOP
    2 days ago

    从解析太阳开始 (start from analyzing the sun)


    harem, unique power system, the cheat is an all-knowing eye. cunning MC, no simp.

    我能超越空间 (I can transcend space dimension)


    no harem, unique power system, the author’s previous novel was better.

    都赛博年代了,还在当传统反派?(It is the era of cyberpunk, still been a traditional villain ?)


    harem, cyberpunk, cunning MC, Villain MC

    MC transmigrated to a novel world where he is one of the small villains that was was loot delivery for the novel’s MC. Knowing the plot, he fought the MC and got all of his girls and power.

    法力无边高大仙 (Deity Gao of the Infinite Arcane power)


    harem, ruthless MC, system

    Same style as the author’s previous novels, Super Handsome MC, very powerful MC, and keep getting stronger and kill to the top. good for mindless reading.

    只想让玩家省钱的我却被氪成首富 (I just want to save money for the players, but they made me the most rich person)


    no harem, reverse play, system.

    MC has a system where the less players spent in a game, the more money he gets. Of course when he tried to not get player to spend money, they spent more.

    霸武 ( Marshal hegemony)


    cunning MC, harem(maybe), system

    MC has a system that the more people think he is powerful, the more powerful he gets. Intriguing plot and ok writing, I liked the author’s previous novels so just kept going.

    苟在异界研究科学 (low-key in other world researching science)


    no harem

    MC transmigrated to a magical world where magic are done through cards, has cheat where his handgun and cellphone became his life-bound artifacts with great power. He also uses science + magic to advance.

    谁家顶流摆成这样 (Whose Top Celebrity are so laid back) ?


    MC transmigrated into a world as a Top celebrity whose only good quality is his handsomeness. But MC has system that grants him actual talents. He just want to earn enough money to retire, but end up making a lot more even though he tried to just do the minimum. This is in Chinese entertainment industry, so probably not relatable to westerners.

    说好吹牛,你咋真有大帝之资?(We agreed to Boast, why you actually have god talent)


    harem (maybe), xianxia

    MC transmigrated in a xianxia world, has a system that grants him power/talent whenever someone is boasting around him.

    电磁暴君 (Electromagnetic Tyrant)


    no harem

    MC in another world, with an powerful artifact in his eye as cheat that gives him super observability

    国民法医 ( The people’s National Pathologist)


    no harem

    MC has a system that grants him skills in forensics and one random skills from dead body allowing him to solve complex crimes. He is also very rich and handsome, but low key.

    反派就是这样子的 (This is how villains are )


    xianxia, harem

    kind of similar to the other villain novel, but in a xianxia world. the MC became one of the small villains in a novel and use his knowledge to fight MC and get all the girls and power.

    你怎么又把副本搞坏了 (How come you broke the world instance again)


    no harem

    MC is in a world where there are virtual instances of dungeons appear and needs to be solved, or it becomes real and the monster inside come out and kill people. MC is smart and kept breaking rules of the virtual world(instances) and getting more powerful, original setup, kind of funny at times.

    女帝:陛下请自重,臣不想升官 (Female Emperor: Your Majesty please respect yourself, the minister does not want to be promoted)


    no harem.

    MC in an old chinese dynasty world where if he was demoted by the emperor or killed in the line of duty, he’ll transcend to the upper realm and be very powerful and immortal, so he tries to get himself demoted and killed, of course it back fires to make him stronger and promoted.

    说好制作烂游戏,泰坦陨落什么鬼 (Agreed to make bad games, What the Hell is Titan Fall)


    This is interesting in that it is dual system. the MC has a system where if he makes a game and sell it well, then he’ll be rewarded more games from earth. the FL also has a system where if the game she financed to make lost money, she’ll get 10x back. So she thought the MC was a trash game designer and bounded her system to him. Hilarity ensues as the MC proceed to make hit after hit, including Titan Fall, Silent Hill, Sekiro, shadow die twice, etc. etc.

    The novel has really good writing and flow, no harem. It is for any video game lover, certainly makes me want to play Titan fall again.

    在异界开医院没有那么难吧 (It can’t be that hard to open a hospital in another world, right?)


    This will appeal to the medical students or doctors as it can be heavy in medical terms and procedure.

    It is about an ER doctor transmigrated into a magical world, and trying to use his medical knowledge to save people’s life as the medical standard is like Medical level. Some magic spell like healing helps but can’t deal with cases like cancer, or bone breaks because the lack of medical knowledge and of the human body. There is no harem, no system. The only “cheat” MC get is the knowledge of the earth. Oh, His girl friend is a silver dragon in human form. The way MC gets power is by finding ways to do medicine through magic, like how to use blood control spells to deal with excessive blood in surgery, and use druid power to control tiny but tough vines as surgical instruments, etc. etc. The medical part can be dense at times, but just skim over it and read along. the MC is actually rare in that he doesn’t really fight much at all (even though he is powerful). It is mostly about world building and solving problems, there are fighting of course, but mostly against evil folks.

    天阿降临 (Descend from Above)


    This one also has no system, no harem. MC is the result of a super secret project to produce the most advanced soldier possible through nano-tech and genetic modification. He is super smart, super strong, but still learned to love and hate. The plot resolves around him escaping from the lab and start to develop his own empire among the war of the two giant galaxy level Federations (one of which started the project that made him). good plot, good sci-fi stuff.

    从肉体凡胎到粉碎星球 (From mortal flesh to smashing planets)


    This has no system, no harem. MC was the top martial artists in earth, and when he died trying to break through to the next level. He transmigrated to another world where martial arts can achieve higher energy level, so he used the techniques he mastered in earth to advance. The writing is ok and can be repetitive at times. I liked the author’s previous books so I just followed along, might drop soon.

    这游戏也太真实了 (This game is too realistic !)


    No harem, maybe a system ? Basically MC wakes in a world much like fall-out where humans had advanced technology but lost most of it due to in-fighting and also fungus invasion from another planet. So now MC is in charge of a fall-out shelter, but with the residents been players he recruited from earth. the Players think they are playing a highly realistic VR game through a helmet, but in reality their mind is transported into a clone body in another world. The plot revolves around the MC, along with the players attempting to rebuild civilization on earth’s ravaged surface while fighting mutants, beasts, giant fungus infested machinery, and other factions. If you ever played fall-out, the world will seem very familiar.

    从低魔世界归来,先做人工智能 ---- (Return from low-magic world, start with making AI)

    no system. MC was a legendary wizard in a low-energy magic world, then he returned to earth in the year 2010 ? He found that earth has magic elements but they are very inert and hard to use. He still managed to utilize it to make super conducting materials and combing ghost spirits with super computer to produce Artificial General Intelligence to help him make more magic+technology stuff and eventually become global leader of the earth, and start conquering on other dimension(worlds).

    Be Warned, he sleeps with a lot of women, and the story has anti-american stuff (but not pro-chinese, the MC has his own corporation that eventually become his own nation, like Umbrella). stuff mentioned in the story are how American soft drink companies bought out all the fresh water in Mexico, so coke is cheaper than water in Mexico, leading to many folks there to have diabetes. How IMF using the loan to south Korea in the 1990s to hollow out its financial industry and control the finance in that country, etc. etc. I just treat it as a story.

    我打造了科学魔法 (I made Scientific Magic)


    Kind of like Throne of the Arcane (奥术神座). MC use science knowledge to improve magic spells. He has a biological chip in his brain to help him calculate and remember stuff. no system.

    修仙就是这么科 (Cultivation is really that scientific)


    no system, no harem. MC transmigrated into a cultivation world with an IBM super computer in his brain as his soul-bound artifacts, so He can use the computer to research and improve Cultivation techniques. It is by one of my favorite author whose novel are very similar, it can get repetitive at times as MC keeps getting threatened/kidnapped by powerful cultivators for his secret, and he finding ways to power up and escape and take revenge.

    裂天空骑 (Sky Splitting Spacer Rider)


    no harem, no system. MC is in a world where folks have mutant power, he killed a metal dragon from the magic world and gained the power to manipulate metal, so he advances mainly as a pilot of fighter jets in a defense mercenary company in search of evil mutants who wants to destroy the world.

    I liked author’s previous novel which is also about MC with fighter jets.