• abbenm@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    I have a handful of yearly reminders in Google Keep along these lines:

    Are you sick today? No? Then rejoice! On this day in 2016, you were quite sick and miserable with an infinite runny nose. The past version of you would gladly trade their place with you.

    Another one for it being too hot in the apartment I lived in:

    Was it swelteringly hot to the point that it was very hard for you to do sleep or even go upstairs to your room today? If not, rejoice! Because on this day in 2017 (these past 3 days, really) it was unbearably hot and dry in your room, and you had to soak a towel in cold water, and tried and failed to sleep. Also the cat got stuck in your closet and you had to let him out

    And a few others, including reminding myself not to lose an entire day to watching youtube videos. A few like that.