The legislation would have allowed both private citizens and the Louisiana Attorney General to sue social media providers for censoring political or religious speech online. It is not a stretch to say that, at the time Morris brought the bill every citizen in Louisiana who had dared to express an opinion on social media that contradicted the approved government narrative had been censored.

The Bill had already passed in the Senate 37-0, and was scheduled before the House Commerce Committee on June 2, 2021. RINO Representative Paula Davis was the Republican Chairman of that Committee, and the Committee itself was majority Republican. Not only did Morris’ Bill fail to get out of Committee, Davis could not get enough Committee members to the hearing to even have a vote, and the bill died there.

At best, Davis was grossly incompetent at a time when her service to Louisiana citizens was most needed. At worst she deliberately orchestrated the defeat of the Bill for reasons we all have a right to know. In either case, Davis, who I hear is a nice and attractive person, failed the citizens of Louisiana.

Big tech’s continued suppression of conservative religious and political speech with zero consequence falls squarely at her feet.