Avatar 4: There is no war (with the Ba Sing Se Navi)
I honestly waited too long to see the first one and thought it was just fine. I haven’t watched the second yet.
Avatar was pretty slick though.
You’re not missing much. It’s basically the same as the first one but with whales instead of a tree this time.
I did not like the first movie, aside that it was and still is a technical marvel. I watched the second one with little to no expectations, and i really liked it. It actually made me sad by the end. I wouldn’t say it’s fantastic or perfect or anything like that, but i’d say it’s a solid movie.
Cabbage Vendor on Pandora:
“This place is worse than Omashu!”
My Unobtanium!
“The Water Navi invites you to Lake Lao Gai.”
Can we get Jake Sully singing Secret Tunnel in this one?
Wtf James
There is no war…