This seems like a relevant climate change related ev discussion / call to arms to fight he FUD:

#StopBurningStuff #ElectricCars #Tesla Wise to the lies? Bored of BS? Fed-up of FUD? Misinformation about Electric Vehicles and Clean Energy is at an all-time high. Vested interests have almost limitless funds with which to pollute public discourse, and it’s easy to feel powerless to prevent that. With your help that can change.

The Fully Charged SHOW and FairCharge are coming together to #StopBS and to combat this ‘*fear, uncertainty and doubt’ through fast-turnaround infographic rebuttals, proactively placing spokespeople on mainstream media, and engaging with political influencers. Your financial support via Patreon can make a material difference, as we persuade people to #StopBurningStuff.

We need your support to turn the tide of negativity, and spread the positive energy that is the lived experience of millions of EV drivers all around the world. This movement will be powered by people.

    1 year ago

    I agree Musk is turning people off of his companies and Electric Vehicles are definitely not the answer to gridlock, but Tesla arguably accelerated the worldwide EV movement. They also currently produce and deliver more EVs than almost any other single automaker in the world. Finally, EV’s are getting much cheaper and soon won’t just be for rich or hobbyists.