It’s not possible.

So a couple people here have made the point that being a fat ass is mostly or at-least heavily contributed to by being lazy.

I 100% disagree with this sentiment.

The main argument that is used is this,

calories in calories out law of thermodynamics

But that doesn’t have any meaning when we are talking about what makes a person want to stuff their face all day and all night with food.

People say the reason Americans are fatter now than 50 years ago is that they move less.

I will argue this is false. People had cars 50 years ago, radios, they played cards, read books and nobody went jogging. There were not running shoe stores. no treadmills, no indoor bikes, pools were harder to come by. Kids played outside more sure but that doesn’t account for adult fatness.

You cannot account for the fattening of the world (Not just America) by lack of movement.

It is 100% processed foods.

Anyone here can try only eating beef, salt, and fruit for 1 month and do nothing and see how much weight the gain.

It’s either nothing, lose weight, or possibly lost fat gained muscle if you have been protein starved.

If you cut out the fruit you will lose weight every single time.

This tells me it has nothing to do with decreased activity and everything to do with diet change.

The food we eat today is nothing like the food we ate in 1950. Everyone was eating shoulder bone soup. Bread made from wheat not grown with chemicals, no preservatives.

Less treated milk.

No seed oils.

No fructose corn syrup.

No, the reason you or your loved ones is a fat ass is purely because you eat shit out of plastic bags.

Anything that isn’t fresh should be avoided. Except maybe rice if you are to skinny and need to fatten up.

    1 year ago

    I gained 10 pounds last year which is a lot for me after years of maintaining my college weight. I got more serious about my diet (avoiding seed oils, corn syrup, etc), bumped up my exercise routine to a more regular eveyr other day, and started at least a 12 hour fast, within a month was back to my ideal weight. Maintaining that so far, but the main thing is like you say, you have to eat good quality food and just buy olive oil in bulk and use it all the time. Actually every now and then I use Kerry Gold butter because I trust the Irish to have cows eating on a field… hopefully that’s right so I spend a little extra on butter and treat myself from time to time.