JD and turk from scrubs, of course.
David Tennant and Michael Sheen in Good Omens
You, uh, might want to double check the definition of “platonic”.
That’s them plates that cause earthquakes, right?
You are tectonically correct, the best kind of correct.
No you’re thinking of tectonic, platonic is a mixed drink of bubbly water and usually gin.
No, you’re thinking of a gin and tonic, platonic is a melodious scale using five notes.
No, you’re thinking of a pentatonic, platonic is the element with atomic number 78.
Off the top of my head I have to go with Andre Baugher and Andy Samberg in Brooklyn 99.
The Doctor and Donna
God those were the glory days of Who. Catherine Tate acts Donna absolutely brilliantly.
I know, she was amazing!
Did you see the three specials that came out recently-ish with Tennant and Tate? Especially that second episode on the spaceship was Catherine just showing off her acting skills.
Wild Blue Yonder! I loved it. The two of them together just have such great chemistry.
Winston (Bishop) and CeCe in New Girl. The actors’ real life platonic chemistry is pretty fun too.
Troy and Abed in the mooorning!
Jensen Ackels and Jared Padalecki
Reece Sheersmith and Steve Pemberton in Inside No. 9.
If anthologies aren’t allowed… Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in Spaced and the Cornetto Trilogy.
White collar, Tim Dekay and Matt Bomer.
And omgwtfbbq, I just googled and they’re doing a reboot! With the original cast!
Nathan Fillion and pretty much anyone he’s in a platonic relationship with in any show.
Like, for instance, with Ryan Reynolds. Although Ryan Reynolds and Richard Ruccolo did pretty well in that show too.
Gina Rodriguez and Yael Grobglas in Jane the Virgin, they had such good chemistry that the writers had their characters become best friends
The Killing with Joel Kinnaman and Mireille Enos. What a rough series but those two really seemed to mesh well.
Original office (uk)
Corey and Topanga