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To be clear: this isn’t the “we stopped paying promised grant money” but is literally the federal government yanking money out of an NYC bank account.
Wait a second, the federal government takes money back from New York City, but Trump and Musk are running around cutting every program in site and nobody is talking about refunding the taxpayers? Gtfo…
They are working on a tax cut bill.
I don’t want a tax cut. I wanna reimbursement because the truth is, we authorized our government to spend that money years ago. In some cases like USAID -we authorized the spending of that money decades ago.  if the United States government doesn’t want to spend that money anymore than there should’ve been legislature, but also they don’t get a free check to just spend it on whatever the fuck they want. They should have to pass new legislation before they spend any more taxpayer money on new projects. And since they haven’t passed any new legislation, they should give us our money back. 
if we set the precedence that the government can change, budget funding strategy like this, it would allow the government to raise billions of dollars for one purpose , and then suddenly take that billion dollars, and spend it on something that it wasn’t originally meant for.
Edit;; corrected word precedence. 
Yeah that tax cut wasn’t for you
It doesn’t work that way.
It’s not supposed to be this way either.
Government not supposed to take it back?
They’re not doing this for the deficit. They’re taking money and spending it on Elon’s military contracts. Good for Elon, bad for everyone else.
They are doing this for the deficit. Too much money were being wasted for nothing.
Explain it to me then…
We have a huge deficit. A refund might make some sense if we end up with a surplus. We are nowhere near that.
The fact that we have a deficit is immaterial to me. Just cause we have debts doesn’t mean the Gov can keep the money AND cut the programs. Rules on the books for new taxes are in place for a reason, if they aren’t going to use the tax money for its intended purpose, give it back…or pull the Senate and House together to authorize the new spending. BTW, they would have to tell us where that new spending is, and I don’t think Trump wants to do that, I think he wants to just keep the money like it’s his own, and loan it out in exchange for favors down the road.
Disagree completely. Not sure how you can say deficit is immaterial. Makes no sense whatsoever.
Trump ran budget deficits every year he was president, added trillions to the national debt with a tax giveaway to the wealthiest humans in the history of our planet, and before he was president a second time was trying to make Republicans shut down the government if the debt ceiling wasn’t eliminated entirely. Don’t hold your breath waiting for those tax cuts to trickle down, or for any cuts to ‘defense’ which is nearly half of all discretionary spending. The GOP plan is to further increase defense spending by an additional $100 billion, and $1.5 trillion in spending cuts which is not even half of their proposed $4.5 trillion tax cut. They only care about spending cuts when they can dogwhistle and lie to their base about $50 billion going to USAID just for condoms, despite their entire budget for aid to prevent foreign instability amounting to like, 3% of discretionary spending, because they have a very low estimation of their voters’ math abilities.
The Democrats pretty much never reverse Republican tax cuts, because they actually like these tax cuts. They know trickle down economics works even though they can’t say it out loud.
Funny how dems have been able to balance budgets and wind up with a surplus without engaging in wholesale butchery of programs that help and protect people.
You do notice that, don’t you? Things that are being slashed are things that protect you, education, and feed people? Why not advocate for taxing the fuck out of corporations and billionaires instead of engaging in waving in the direction of “the deficit”.
E: even more attacking of services: https://www.commondreams.org/news/house-budget-resolution
Things that are being attacked are the stupid spendings that American majority don’t want to spend money on.
That is disingenuous bullshit. The tax cut is for corporations and the wealthy. No one in the middle class or lower will see a drop of tax savings.
You’re not fucking entitled to disagree with objective facts! Now quit spreading misinformation.
You know what they are, fam.
Might as well ask a leopard to change their spots or not eat a face.
It’s still important to refute bullshit.
You don’t seem to understand what is objective facts.
Just in case you missed it.
The tax cuts increase GDP growth and that benefits everyone.
You are either a troll or willfully detached from the human experience.
Good luck finding happiness.
The American majority agree with me.
deleted by creator
Yeah, that’s not how it’s worked out in the past. That’s what the elites tell you will happen, then they pocket all the money. It doesn’t “trickle down” like Regan (who increased taxes over his term) lied to you. That is provably not what happens.
America’s economic outperformance is a marvel to behold
"In 1990 America accounted for 40% of the nominal GDP of the G7, a group of the world’s seven biggest advanced economies, including Japan and Germany. Today it accounts for 58%.
America’s outperformance has translated into wealth for its people. he ultra rich have indeed done ultra well. But most other Americans have done pretty well, too. Median wages have grown almost as much as mean wages. A trucker in Oklahoma can earn more than a doctor in Portugal. The consumption gap is even starker. Britons, some of Europe’s best-off inhabitants, spent 80% as much as Americans in 1990. By 2021 that was down to 69%."
I mean, it’s never happened before…
A biased progressive liberal study doesn’t prove anything.
Reality going back to Reagan proves everything.
Tax dollars don’t get kicked back to the working class, they get siphoned upwards, always and forever.
Lower taxes increase GDP growth. It has been working like a charm.
America’s economic outperformance is a marvel to behold
"In 1990 America accounted for 40% of the nominal GDP of the G7, a group of the world’s seven biggest advanced economies, including Japan and Germany. Today it accounts for 58%.
America’s outperformance has translated into wealth for its people. he ultra rich have indeed done ultra well. But most other Americans have done pretty well, too. Median wages have grown almost as much as mean wages. A trucker in Oklahoma can earn more than a doctor in Portugal. The consumption gap is even starker. Britons, some of Europe’s best-off inhabitants, spent 80% as much as Americans in 1990. By 2021 that was down to 69%."
For the rich.
It’ll be a tax hike for everyone else, just like last time.
Last time the tax reduction was for pretty much everyone.
No, this is not true. For low and middle income earners it was a mixed result at best. Some paid more, some less. Do you know what wasn’t a mixed result? Corporate taxes being slashed in half, from an average of 23% to just 12%.
The Democrats almost never reverse the Republican tax cuts because they actually like it even though they can’t say that out loud.
@silence7 And this is why you NEVER sign up for automatic payments and give someone access to your bank account.
Mind you, NYC accepted a deposit from the federal government. Kinda like your employer deciding they didn’t feel like giving you your last paycheck, and yanking it back.
Was it made in error? No?
File a dispute with the bank for unauthorized withdrawal.
It’s theft. Brazen, straight up theft. Imagine what’s happening where we can’t see.
Nuh uh