im an american popculture expert

listen up because i have some things to say about this so called blake lively character

  1. she used to be hot
  2. she knows deadpool
  3. she was in at least a couple episodes of gossip girl
  4. i once saw her doppelganger at mcdonalds
  5. shes a virgo meaning that we are highly compatible

i saw a picture of justin baldoni wearing a scarf and it looked very feminine

i also just dont like his face even though hes about a 6.5 maybe a 7 and im a 6 so thats a little threatening to me but hes probably had work done so it doesnt really count

what do you think

    29 days ago

    I would like to submit Ryan Reynolds’, her husband, sense of humor as evidence of her being good.

    He has a dark and fucked up sense of humor and to stay married to him means she appreciates his humor, therefore she has a great sense of humor and is funny.